Small Improvements on the Map Engine
map engine update
The first small update on the OFM map engine has been installed - based on feedback from the AERO tradefare.
Bigger fonts (especially vertical limit)
TMA and CTR labels have been set to a slightly bigger font for better readability. In Germany we have also reduced the width of TMA labels to a minimum, to use as little space as possible.
Improved labeling of cities and villages
Settings for displaying labels of villages and cities are based on the number of inhabitants (if this data is available in the openstreetmap database) and have now been tuned for each country separately.
A new labeling mode has also been added – we call it “mode-base labels” – These labels are put in a bigger font with more space between the letters as part of the basemap – with label collision detection disabled – but due to the size and appearance they continue to be readable even if they appear behind some aeronautical text. These labels have only a small opacity, so they appear in a grey colour, but will always appear, whereas the normal labels for villages only appear if they do not coincide with another label. The use of one or the other modes will depend on the size of the town or city. In the example below, notice that the label for WIEN is visible, in spite of being partially overlapped by the NDB label for Steinhof. Notice also that the small town of Weinerherberg, to the south of Vienna airport, is clearly marked, but this is only because the NDB label of Fischamend does not overlap; if the NDB label was a little higher the label of the village would not be shown.
For very small villages we have added a third fontsize - to distinguish the labels clearly.
Minimum Off Route Altitude (MORA)
Following many requests, we have added the MORA data even for the areas with elevations of less then 5,000 FT AMSL.